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couple with contracting out agreement holding hands while walking over beach rocks

What is a Contracting Out Agreement in NZ?

Things to know when considering a contracting out agreement While a contracting out agreement (commonly known as a prenup) is not the most romantic thing to talk about, they are becoming more and more common for good reason. Contracting out…

Trust eSpeaking newsletter on navy blue background

Trust eSpeaking, Spring 2024, No 39

Welcome to the Spring edition of Trust eSpeaking. We hope you enjoy reading these articles, and that they are both interesting and useful. To find out more about any of the topics covered in Trust eSpeaking, or about trusts or…

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Fineprint – Winter 2024

Fineprint, Issue 94, Winter 2024 Edition In this issue: Preparing your business for sale. Providing for your family in your will – You have some legal obligations. Employee burnout – Acknowledge and address this. Avoiding scams –Tips to protect yourself.…

Legal and property news newsletter New Zealand

Trust eSpeaking – Autumn 2024

Trust eSpeaking Issue 38, Autumn 2024 Edition In this issue: Making a bequest to a charity: Careful will drafting is essential. Estates and guarantees: Can cause difficult legal issues. Can your ex-spouse claim your property when you die? Agreeing on…

Knapps Lawyers Signing Papers

New Trust Act

A new Trusts Act came into effect on 30 July 2019.  This is a major change in the law for New Zealand as the new Act will affect ALL New Zealand Family Trusts.  There is a deferment period to enable…

Neglecting Your Trust

“Trusts are the most common wealth protection tool in New Zealand. If they are not maintained, however, they simply won’t do the job. You wouldn’t buy a Lamborghini and leave it to rust, but many people treat their Trusts like…


22 Oxford Street, Richmond, Nelson
New Zealand

+64 3 543 8601



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